
“Excellent Sustainability in 2024” study honours BUWOG

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Sponge city project Quartier 52° Nord in Berlin

“Excellent sustainability 2024": BUWOG has realized the Quartier 52° Nord, a sustainable sponge city.

Sustainability and environmentally conscious activity have become steadily more important, particularly in the areas of real estate planning, construction and management. BUWOG Bauträger GmbH has now been awarded by the F.A.Z. Institute for “Excellent Sustainability in 2024”.

For the “Excellent Sustainability in 2024” study, around 15,000 companies were analysed and evaluated on behalf of the F.A.Z. Institute in the study period from 1 July 2022 to 20 June 2024. For the second time, BUWOG Bauträger GmbH has been recognised as one out of nine real estate companies nationwide and received 84.1 out of 100 points.

Daniel Riedl, member of the Vonovia SE Board of Management responsible for BUWOG operations: “New construction and neighbourhood development provide the chance to take aspects of environmental, social and economic sustainability into consideration from the initial planning stage and to implement them, adapted to the location, potential and type of the respective project. This includes issues of energy efficiency and building ecology, the social mix of the districts arising from a housing mix for a wide range of needs, and the creation of green residential environments with multiple sustainable functions.”

The report on the “2024 Excellent Sustainability” study is available online (in German) on the ServiceValue website at Last year, BUWOG won the award for “Germany's Best – Sustainability 2023” and was recently named the winner of the “2024 Regenial” for the 52° Nord sponge city development. The current study was accompanied by the renowned IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research. For the “Excellent Sustainability in 2024” seal, the weighted values ​​of the dimensions considered are based on the three-pillar model of sustainable development, including environmental sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability.

BUWOG pursues a committed sustainability agenda and is also a member of the ODH Open District Hub, a research and practice initiative aimed at implementing the energy transition in the development by linking the electricity, heat and mobility sectors. BUWOG is also active in the COALITION for TIMBER CONSTRUCTION and plans to realise around 20 percent of its development pipeline of currently around 55,000 apartments under construction and in planning as buildings made of timber.



BUWOG now looks back on over 70 years of expertise in the residential property business and currently has a development pipeline of around 55,000 residential units in construction and planning. With its new construction projects and neighbourhood developments, BUWOG is creating new residential space across the country and pursuing a committed sustainability agenda. BUWOG is a subsidiary of Vonovia SE, Europe’s leading residential company, which is located in Bochum (Germany).

Media inquiries Germany

Portrait from the BUWOG press spokesperson Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press Spokesperson