BUWOG stands for ecologically, economically and socially sustainable construction: for today's and future generations.
The building sector plays a major role in climate protection, accounting for around 40% of energy consumption in Germany. Time to do more: BUWOG's sustainability goals are reviewed and controlled with continuous monitoring as part of the certified energy management system (EnMs) in accordance with ISO 50001. We implement new construction in harmony with ecological, economic and social sustainability.
You can also find out interesting facts about neighborhood development, sustainable new construction and urban development in the BUWOG podcast.
Sponge City Berlin: The central water basin in the Quarter collects rainwater and returns it to the natural water cycle through evaporation.
By 2023, the share of new apartments in our new construction projects that are powered by renewable energies will rise to 35%. More than one in three apartments will then be supplied with renewable energies.
We are creating on-site e-charging stations so that people in our neighborhoods can conveniently switch to electric cars or e-bikes. Here, too, BUWOG is pursuing ambitious sustainability goals and intends to further expand the share of electric charging stations.
On the way to becoming a sponge city: In implementing the goals of making our cities more climate-silient, BUWOG relies on a variety of measures in new construction. These include smart stormwater management with green roofs, infiltration trenches, vegetated infiltration swales and stormwater retention basins.
Learn more about Sponge City and sustainable building in the interview with the head of the stormwater agency in the BUWOG podcast, episode 1: On the way to Sponge City.
We promote integrated mobility concepts, e-mobility and mobility for all generations. To this end, we are increasing the proportion of e-charging stations in all new buildings.
We have been measuring customer satisfaction since 2006. Thanks to continuous training, BUWOG employees are also competent contacts for questions regarding the sustainability and energy efficiency of your property.
We stand for integrity and transparency in the public and private sectors. Our measures for corruption prevention and transparency implemented and reviewed throughout the Group.
In many cases, we are realizing neighborhoods with a primary energy factor of zero. By 2023, we will increase the share of renewable energies in new construction to at least 35%.
We advocate for urban density that is designed sustainably. This helps to reduce land consumption and the sealing of new land.
As an employer, BUWOG supports family-friendly working, flextime, the possibility of sabatticals and maximum flexibility in favor of reconciling work and family and/or caring for a relative.
We achieve good conditions for our customers through Groupwide bundled purchasing. In many cases we can pass these on to our purchasers in new construction - a real win-win situation.
By using ecological building materials and commissioning regional suppliers and service providers, we act sustainably and support the local economy.
Responsibility for employees and society shapes management's understanding. Living happily - this can only be achieved if our employees are also satisfied and come to work with pleasure and passion.
The range of individual further training measures - in the form of one-to-one training or group training - includes specialist courses, for example on housing law, tenancy law and personality-building seminars.
We stand for equal opportunities and actively implement diversity. Women account for around 55% of the total workforce. A consistent principle of equal treatment, flexitime and teleworking options are supporting pillars of a healthy work-life balance.