BLINK YOUR EYES is one of the most innovative living concepts in the Main metropolis. The renowned architects of the Swiss think tank Atelier 5 have done a great job and today enable living in the future. In addition to elegant Bauhaus architecture with strong references to Corbusier, the concept focuses on networking in the age of 4.0.

History of the residential concept: This project was already completed in 2015 by the company BIEN-RIES, which today belongs to BUWOG Bauträger GmbH and realizes high-quality new construction projects in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main.
For sale

Key information

Zur Kalbacher Höhe / Gräfin-Dönhoff-Straße / Käthe-Kruse-Straße, 60438 Frankfurt
No more apartments available
Floor area:
7,330 m²
Portrait from the BUWOG press spokesperson Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson

Portrait from the BUWOG press spokesperson Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson

Alle Wohnungen

3 von passenden Wohnungen werden angezeigt.


Zur Kalbacher Höhe / Gräfin-Dönhoff-Straße / Käthe-Kruse-Straße, 60438 Frankfurt

Location: Zur Kalbacher Höhe / Gräfin-Dönhoff-Strasse / Käthe-Kruse-Strasse in Frankfurt-Riedberg
- What: Residential building with underground parking
- Living space: 9,590 m²
- Number of buildings: 5
- Plot of land: 7,330 m²
- Construction period: 2015 - 2017
- Residential units: 131


Portrait from the BUWOG press spokesperson Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson