The eleventh and last new building project of BIEN-RIES at Riedberg combines architecture and dance in a creative way: Welcome to the Alégoré! Architectural structures can be recognized in the rhythm of dance; architecture and dance as a dynamic structure of body and spatiality leads to a new way of looking at architecture.

History of the residential concept: This project was already completed in 2018 by the company BIEN-RIES, which today belongs to BUWOG Bauträger GmbH and realizes high-quality new construction projects in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main.
For sale

Key information

Leberecht-Migge-Anlage / Ella-Bergmann-Michel-Straße / Adolf-Meyer-Straße, 60438 Frankfurt
No more apartments available
Floor area:
12,700 m²
Portrait from the BUWOG press spokesperson Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson

Portrait from the BUWOG press spokesperson Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson

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Leberecht-Migge-Anlage / Ella-Bergmann-Michel-Straße / Adolf-Meyer-Straße,, 60438 Frankfurt

Location: Leberecht-Migge-Anlage / Ella-Bergmann-Michel-Str. / Adolf-Meyer-Str.
- Housing units: 169
- What: Residential building with underground parking
- Total living space: 12,700 m²
- Number of buildings: 7
- Plot of land: 8,543 m²
- Construction time: 2016 - 2018


Portrait from the BUWOG press spokesperson Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson