In the four BUWOG LOTSENHÄUSERN, spacious family living finds a sustainably beautiful home. Here, families are perfectly embedded in the Quartier 52° Nord and benefit from optimal access to nature, infrastructure and recreation. For a healthy living experience, the BUWOG LOTSENHÄUSER - built in innovative timber hybrid construction - offer attractive condominiums with optimal floor plans and made for those who have big plans. In addition, with the BUWOG LOTSENHÄUSER you benefit from high-quality furnishings and a quarter with a variety of sustainable qualities.
For sale

Key information

Teichmummelring, 12527 Berlin
No more apartments available
Floor area:
44 condominiums with 2 to 5 rooms
Portrait von BUWOG Pressesprecher Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson

Portrait von BUWOG Pressesprecher Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson

Alle Wohnungen

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Teichmummelring, 12527 Berlin

Quartier 52° Nord is a sustainable residential quarter on Dahme in Berlin-Grünau. Based on the model of the sponge city, the first construction phase created a 6,000 m² water basin, which is the visual and ecological heart of the quarter and borders on the neighborhood square with a café. By 2026, a sustainable quarter for all generations will have been created that has been thought through down to the last detail.


Portrait von BUWOG Pressesprecher Michael Divé

Michael Divé

Press spokesperson