BUWOG Geschichte, Geschäftsmodell und Management

Unter dem Motto „glücklich wohnen“ konzipiert, realisiert und bewirtschaftet die BUWOG seit 1951 zeitgemäße und an die Bedürfnisse der Menschen angepasste Wohnlösungen in Österreich. Über die Jahre entwickelte sich die BUWOG dadurch zum führenden Komplettanbieter am österreichischen Wohnimmobilienmarkt. 

Das historisch gewachsene Geschäftsmodell der BUWOG Group GmbH beinhaltet heute die drei Geschäftsbereiche Asset Management (nachhaltige Vermietungs- und Bestandsbewirtschaftung), Property Sales (profitabler Verkauf von Einzelwohnungen sowie von Objekten und Portfolios) und Property Development (Planung und Errichtung von Neubauten) und deckt damit die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette des Wohnungssektors ab. Wir nutzen Synergieeffekte aus den einzelnen Bereichen, um höchste Qualitätsansprüche für unsere Kundinnen und Kunden zu erfüllen. 

Zu Beginn des Geschäftsjahres 2022 umfasste das Immobilienbestandsportfolio rund 21.500 Wohneinheiten, weitere 7.040 Wohneinheiten befanden sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt in Entwicklung. 

Zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, u.a. in den Bereichen Projektentwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit, bestätigen das erfolgreiche Handeln der BUWOG Group GmbH am Immobilienmarkt und repräsentieren die Kompetenz, das Engagement und die Professionalität der insgesamt rund 400 Mitarbeiter:innen. Die BUWOG ist zudem seit Herbst 2017 Trägerin des Gütezeichens berufundfamilie und erhielt 2022 das Zertifikat Great Place to Work. Zudem zählt sie als wertorientierte Arbeitgebermarke zu den Top 1% aller Arbeitgeber Österreichs. 

Die BUWOG Group GmbH ist eine Tochtergesellschaft der Vonovia SE, Europas führendem Wohnungsunternehmen mit Sitz in Bochum (Deutschland). 

Unsere Geschäftsfelder

Asset Management

Top service for our customers

Asset Management at BUWOG is the historic core of the company’s business. This is where we pool our expertise in the areas of rentals, operation and the management of our own units. The portfolio is continuously optimised through active rental management as well as maintenance and investment measures.

Property Development

Built for the future

BUWOG’s new residential construction business encompasses the development of apartments for its own portfolio (rentals) as well as for direct sale following completion (condominiums). The activities are concentrated in Vienna, where BUWOG has numerous years of experience and excellent local market expertise, which provides a critical advantage in the early identification and acquisition of potential development opportunities.

Property Sales

Finding your ideal property from our portfolio

In this area of our business, we focus on the value-maximising sale of individual apartments, entire buildings and smaller portfolios from our holdings. With these properties, either the company finds that the full value potential has been reached or their profile is no longer in line with the company’s regional strategy or other factors.

Geschäftsführung der BUWOG

Andreas Holler managing director

As managing director of BUWOG Group GmbH, Andreas Holler has been responsible for the areas of project development, construction management, sales and acquisitions since the end of 2013. Under Andreas Holler, BUWOG's development pipeline has been considerably expanded over the last few years – it currently has around 7,000 units under construction or in planning.

Andreas Holler managing director
Kevin Töpfer Managing Director

Kevin Töpfer has been with BUWOG in various positions since 2013. He has been commercial director since the end of 2019 and, at the beginning of 2022, he also took over as director of property management, i.e. the areas of portfolio management, property management and portfolio sales.

Kevin Töpfer Managing Director

Geschichte der BUWOG


DBUWOG is established by the post-war government for the purpose of providing housing for federal employees.

The first major growth step

BUWOG merges with BEWOG, which is also a non-profit company.

Significant milestones

BUWOG acquires Österreichische Gemeinnützige Siedlungsgesellschaft (ÖGSG) and hands over the 10,000th apartment to its residents.

New era

BUWOG ceases to be a public utility by law.


BUWOG is bought by Immofinanz AG and becomes the best-known residential real estate company in Austria.

Acquisition of ESG

BUWOG takes over shares of the originally state-owned ESG in Carinthia. This is the birth of the modern BUWOG.

Expansion to Germany

BUWOG ventures into the neighboring country and takes over a portfolio of 2,300 apartments in Berlin.

Start of property development activities

BUWOG acquires a project development company in Berlin, thereby consolidating and expanding its position in Germany.

Strategic decisions

BUWOG is beginning to actively implement its portfolio strategy through portfolio sales in Carinthia and Upper Austria as well as the expansion of the portfolio in Germany.

Further growth and initial public offering

Spin-off and listing of BUWOG on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt, Vienna and Warsaw - followed by admission to the ATX; purchase of the DGAG portfolio and integration of Prelios Deutschland.

Development in the north of Germany

BUWOG, currently Austria's largest listed real estate company, is expanding its new construction activities with a first project in Hamburg.

Acquisition by Vonovia SE

Following acceptance of a takeover bid, BUWOG will be integrated into the DAX-listed Vonovia SE Group, Europe's leading housing company with a nationwide presence in Germany.

Strategic realignment

BUWOG is now divided into three companies: BUWOG Group GmbH in Austria and BUWOG Bauträger GmbH and BUWOG Immobilien Treuhand GmbH in Germany.

70 Jahre Icon
70 years BUWOG

Since its founding, BUWOG has stood for stability and security for customers and employees.